A post by Craighenn @ pokecommunity informed me of an error which may be effecting you!
If you get the error "Direct Draw Error DDERR_EXCEPTION" upon starting the game- just read this,
I have a radeon 4870x2 gfx card, the x2 pretty much means its 2 cards in one, if i try to run any rpg maker game with both cards/cores enabled i get that exact error, so if you have something similar try to disable Catalyst A.I. in the Catalyst Control Center, just to clarify, this has nothing to do with the cores on your processor just the graphics card.It might be possible the same error happens if you have cards in SLI or crossfire but either way, if you have one card with 2 cores or 2 cards, disable one of them and it should work, hope this helps so my sacrifice wasnt in vain
Just disable crossfire mode using the catalyst crontrol center. or something like that. Should fix it.
Thanks! Very useful.