Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Minor Update

Just a heads up.

v0.7b will be coming out soon, (2-4 weeks?)
[edit] LOL NOPE

As of right now; It'll go up to the end of chapter 4 (when you kill the next hypervisor) but I may extend it 1 more chapter.

we'll see.

it'll have some new features including battle parties (team battle sorta thing), a TPC teleporter, which is an item that'll teleport you to the last pokecenter, and other stuff like that which i'll explain when the new version reaches completion.

thanks for the continued support :D


  1. Great! Looking forward to it.

  2. Please check out my Pokemon Blog.


  3. mind fixing the sleeping in bases thing? The character keeps saying he's not tired and the pokemon don't heal up. Fixing that would be great since I am a little causious about healing and I don't have to waste my money at the Poke Center. That would be awesome.

  4. There must have been some "little" delay... I think that someone should have told it to his fun...

  5. Hey have you stopped your project? ):

  6. ^No, definetly not. Progress has been (extremely) slow due to a lack of free time. university and my social life has been taking up a lot more time than I anticipated.

    that said, I will finish this game. eventually.

    1. aha just as I thought! school really doesn't leave much free time and others things happen so others will understand

  7. I was wondering if we could get an ETA for the next patch and if it will be compatitable with the most recent version?

    Really enjoying this game, though there are tons of spelling errors (mostly swapped letters or omitted letters) and some of the information doesn't match. (28 days to armageddon, then 20, then 30?)

    Good luck with your school, hope we hear from you soon.

  8. ETA... Not sure,

    SPEE development is in a hiatus for the last few months, to focus on university work. Coincidentially, I have my last exam later today, so in theory development should resume soon.

    I don't like ETAs, since, as you can see, they never go according to plan. but next version hopefully would be out before years end.

    Because it's been quite long since the last update, Im likely going to scrap v0.7b, and v0.7c and just release a full v0.8

    1. Ah, thanks for the quick reply, to be honest, that was a more favorable reply than I was expecting.
      Yeah, ETA's are kind of like promises, and you don't want to make one you can't keep, especially with something so uncertain. I don't mind waiting as I just recently found out about this, but I am passing the word along as to its development to my friends and they already like what they see.

      v0.8... this will definitely be something amazing.

  9. hey raonak have you a new url to super pokemon eevee edition because pokemoneevee.co.cc doesn't work o:

  10. I have the same problem as you, I cannot go to the site as it says it is unavailable and I would like to get this on my laptop.

  11. Hey Raonak I really love you game been playing it since the summer and I was wondering if you still plan to continue it?
